How's it goin? I've been looking through your site the past few weeks, downloading and playing, and so I thought I'd actually join and chat. Anyway, hey and hope to play/forge with some of ya.
Welcome to ForgeHub!! Be sure to check out the Forging 101 section. Also, read how to post a map before you actually do... Anyways, welcome and can't wait to see more from you in the future
greetings to you good sir.. if you want to have a team to play with join our "Un- Official Forgehub BTB team" in the halo discussion section. it might be on the second page though...
Will do Kninja Wow, thanks everybody. You guys are very...welcoming... I honestly haven't done much forging, but I'll check the tips you guys have here and start attempting to make something half decent.
I'll hopefully be posting a map in a few weeks, but right now I can't, RROD got me :-( so I'm stuck with my original xbox.