New Invasion Repel Maps.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Sietanal, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. The Sietanal

    The Sietanal Ancient

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    The Masta Beef Times and Chronichles

    Extra, extra, read all about this!

    You may remember me, The Sietanal, making more Invasion Repel maps with Rifte's permission. PS: He betrayed me to many times, he has such a long respawn time, lets say about 1 month respawn?

    Well I've been working on "Top Secret" maps. I have also have made my own version of Invasion Repel but with a twist.

    Here are the changes:
    Attackers Elites -> Spartan III's
    Defenders Marines -> Elites
    VIP Medic -> VIP Elite Zealot
    OAC(Open Area Combat) -> CQC(Close Quarters Combat)
    Zealot Power Up -> Brute Chieftan Power Up

    I think thats all.

    So then there's the new maps.

    Reach, Suon Jon


    Reach, Homeway

    Both are different, but play the same.

    Im keeping these maps under wraps for a while(MAYBE WILL BE OUT IN A WEEK OR TWO). But it will pump you up for Reach. These will be the last Invasion Repel until I get, beat Reach, play forge, build a new map, and I finish. Then I will return for a while to make a map pack for the maps. So Austa La Veista Bi*&$#!

  2. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So you do not have any screeenshots to share?

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