I always thought that Halo needed a motorcycle... I remember playing a mod on the custom edition of Halo on the PC where there were motorcycles... It was amazing. I think they stole some starwars vehicles and put them in there to.
we need a sort of heavy air vehicle. it could have side doors like a covenant phantom but its unsc and they slide open. thriugh these open doors, turrets could slide out along rails and lay down cover fire for troops disembarking
Name: The Orb Faction: Covenant 1 driver, no passenger. It would have no weapons, but charge it up and it's a splatter machine.
(and all other quotes relating to a motorcycle) Grackle - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more Basically, Mongoose Motorbike.
i reckon they should incorporate that mini scarab thing from halo wars (i cant remember what it was called)
There wasn't a mini-scarab, but there was a Locust which was very, but unnoticably, different. It obviously used a different form of attack from the scarab's beam, but that was unnoticed due to the fact they're both beams, also, it had energy shielding, which the scarab didn't, in addition, the scarab had 4 small forms of gravity propulsion so that it can be orbitally dropped without it completely smashing into the ground, the locust didn't.
yea i meant the locust.. i know they are completely different, i just meant how it looks like a spider .
a motorcycle would be fast for quick insertions.. like a one person.. probably a human version of the ghost. that would be great... check this photo that a friend of mine photoshopped.. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/143/5/a/escape_by_silentmb.jpg
A pelican or vulture or even better...the one hornet thing from halo: reach trailer except with turrets on the side and more seats. These would be simple and easy and awesome for a vehicle, of course these will never be considered by bungie
Halo Wars Cobra could be ldriven like a scorpion, the locked down and zoomed like a Sniper rifle, but a sniper with the power of a gauss turret. Think of it like a Scorpion with a Gauss turret instead of a cannon and sniper zoom.