Top mid to top blue jump on guardian . i stumbled across it while jumping around like a madman in frustration of my girlfriend not listening to anything i was saying even tho she wanted me to teach her how to play halo.i have now been informed that i infact did not find this anyway enjoy the tutorial if you like this one ill make others Tutorial: ok so first things first notice around top mid at gaurdian there are these little podiums with hollograms on them you want the one that over looks short cut. Now the place you are aiming to jump to is the short cut entrance to top gold i kniow what your thinking u wanna get to top blue what the hell is jumping away from it gona do its not the actual entrance ul be hitting its the wall beside it with the flat part at the bottom.what u wanna do is jump to it and hug that wall so you slide down it and hit the flat part at the bottom now when you hit that flat part you wanna jump and move the left stick towards top blue you will get thrown towards top blue and moving the stick gives you that extra boost. finaly as you hit the short cut entrance to top blue crouch to make sure you make it if you did then success..this isnt as hard as most other jumps like bottom to top gold s1 to top mid etc..and its a good way for people to learn a little bit of trick jumping. new jump video
This has been around for quite a bit; I remember seeing it done in a lot of Youtube MLG jumping video tutorials. It tends to not be known much by the public, so its great that you could share this. The jump itself is pretty useful in its own sense, but you're an easy target when faced to blue-gold hall, and you tend to miss the little ledge every so often. If you do master it however, it can be one of the more useful jumps on the map along with the s2 to s1 jump and the bottom gold to top gold jump. Nice tutorial.
thanks..i had a feeling that this might have been found but chekc around couldnt find anything..ill edit my post and let people know i didnt find it..thanks again.. if this one goes well i might get my friend to capture some of the jumps i do and make tutorials for them