i'm making a new guild(more of a guild than a clan.) it will be the Forgers Guild. we will make maps, test each others maps and help out other guys with their maps. we would also be trying out new things like ASC's Mongoose drop pod for example. Mav.
So your re-creating the Testers Guild, because they pretty much sound exactly alike. If there is a specific difference, I would like to hear it.
i guess i am in a way, but i'll be dealing with only a few people instead of hundreds... Also i will actualy be there to help plot out the maps and then help to design them (when posible), and there would be new inventions (ones that are posible to make in halo of corse) made and tested, so in a way we do test maps but we mostly test OUR creations, leave the testing of outsiders maps to the Testers Guild....