As you can tell by looking at my GT, I'm already hyped for it. I wasn't bad online, and the campaign seemed easy, even on insane. Sorry that sounds like bragging, it isn't meant to be...
Chainsaw battles in GOW2? like the sword battles in H3. thats all i got from that trailer as far as spoilers go.
If the trailer really does say "NEW ANIMATION!", GOW2 FTW. Halo 3 sword battles were cool, now chainsaw battle animations would make GOW2 sell out in a matter of 10 seconds.
be good if u can have chainsaw battles in multiplayer if u get real close to your enemies like with sword battles on halo instead of fastest person to use chainsaw
I really hope they throw in something gruesome to one up the chainsaw banenet. Keeping with the landscaping theme how about a stun gernade launcher with a wood chipper attachment?
Umm, didn't really like the trailer... but I'm definitely getting the game. I don't usually buy many games, but this one I'll get for sure.
soylent green FTW I really enjoyed the first GoW, the single player was epic and the multiplayer was amazing. I'm actually tempted to pick it up and play it again. This trailer told me nothing about GoW2. except for chainsaw battles? if that's what they plan on making the big new thing then they have problems coming. I need more.