Ok, I was playing laser tag with my friends yesterday, and I had the idea to put it into halo, so: :: would work on every map swat worked on. :: every shot on enemy counts as a point for your team. :: players "die" (respawn) after 10 shots recieved, or 20 shots connected. :: 4v4 :: 300 points to win I think it would be a ****ing blast, what do you guys think?
This would be quite interesting. You should definitely do this. I've got a new gametype idea myself that I'm working on, but it's a secret for now
Well you can't technically make it give people a point every hit. If there going to die after 10 hits you can make it give you 10 points a kill, So its like 1 point a hit.
Its more of a concept, because its imposssible to do at this point. But bungie could do it I just thought it was a cool concept, oh, and the whole dying after 10 hits is to hinder boosting, and dying after shooting 20 shots into another person is to get rid of campers who just sit in their spots
It would certainly be a good thing, due to headshots not connecting in SWAT, and would discourage use of one hit kill weapons.