A while back i discovered a little trick in the Grifball variant where you could set a Hill Marker to Neutral and set the Label to grif_goal. This would cause the hill marker to light up in game which gave us an exclusive decorative item for our Grifball Courts. NGA Grifball forger Dr Chaos brought this little trick to my attention. You can apply the same technique to Safe & Kill zones and they will also show as red or green hills in the game. (the below pic is 4 individual soft kills at the side walls, not one zone which would kill players) After i brought this to the attention of petetheduck for his Forge Quacks series, he mentioned this could be used to help find exploits on maps destined for Matchmaking. You can use this trick to help refine your map. The process is simple. When it comes time to apply Safe & Kill zones to your map forge in the Grifball variant and set up the Grifball objectives. Then apply the grif_goal Label as you spawn, or duplicate, your Safe & Kill zone markers. When complete, play a Grifball custom game for a few seconds. Save and play the film in Theater mode. Now each of your Safe & Kill zone markers are lit up at the same time and you can check for full coverage, over coverage, redundant zones, and exploits. cheers nok
that sounds like a good technique. Are you saying that you can use it for aesthetics too? Sounds like you are... how do you get them visible in all gametypes? For instance, if I had one that was just for visuals, how could I make it appear in non-grifball types? Thanks
We are looking into it but at this point i think they will only show in Grifball. It may be due to the fact that they make them show for the default goals (which is odd because you can't adjust the size of the scoring hit box). You might also try setting them as hills in KotH.
that's right. because if we could get it to work, it would be free aesthetics since kill zones etc. cost nothing! (and don't hurt framerate as far as I know) some ideas are already spewing out of my puny brain
Wow, very cool indeed. Hope some genious is going to find a way to make it work in other gametypes too, because that would be particularly interesting.
More colours found by mixing various techniques. Also, Gravity volumes can be coloured using this trick.