Alright, im sure most of you have seen this video... Well i was wondering what the forging community thinks...Is it a hoax or not? And if it is real what types of maps d you think people will make? (Should this thread be in debate btw?) -KING
Hoax. Bungie has already explained they can not add bots to the game. This video was made as an acceptence speech for an award, and it is clearly shown to be of the map Sand Box at the end.
So did they mod Rat's Nest to get the campaign characters in there? Is there anywhere to DL this map?
Yes the maps like Rats Nest or Isolation with campaign characters in them are modded. No Bots *sniffle* I always thought a GoW2 Style 'Horde' Game could be fun.
No, that was just Bungie's Edge Acceptance Video. That was their way of showing us Sandbox. That last bit was in the sky bubble of Sandbox. And when they said they were working on something new, they meant the Mythic Map Pack. This is from a looong time ago.
ConkerKid's right, it's no hoax this was done by Bungie but according to Bungie it was like showing us 'behind the scenes' as they put it.
I know that, it's not a hoax but the map is still modded as in changed via code from the original release map. >>
i dont see why bots couldn't be done.. use the same codding in game. here's an ai. it wont roam outside this. place here. they use lines of sight to determine cover.
Bungie could release it as DLC; as they actually would make millions from it. It would get more sales than the actual game itself. Impossible, but definite. Who here wouldn't pay for Halo 3 bots?
Microsoft has stated that you are not allowed to modify content in their games beyond what it available in game. Bungie is the developer of the game and so that version of Rat's Nest was technically not a 'mod' in the same way as Forest Valhalla or Hogs on The Pit. The final product is the same (ie, extra characters on the map) but Bungie did it legally. Also, they never published the maps used that video. As for Bots in Halo 3, there was a huge discussion when that video was first released. I think we basically concluded that Bots would only be usable on default variants of maps (not Forge) and considering the marines' AI in campaign (especially when driving), they'd suck.
I dont get why. the ai is a generic code. there not a code for each ai specifically. They were programed to get lines of sight and they simply move out of lines of sight.
Halo 3 Gameplay is too complex for bots - so far. Jumping up places, ducking/jumping to cover/avoud, frags/sticks/fire bombs & when to use them, what routes to take on a custom made map*, the list goes on, you can add the rest yourself. By now, it may be possible, but the experience would feel very stale and boring with bots. *honestly, that's impossible. In time-splitters 2 and even/especially 3, bots were often just running against the wall.
It can be done, but won't as seen in that video bungie can do it, we have done it in halo 2 but it lags like really really really badly. There have been AI mods posted i downloaded a few like a year ago. There not half bad and some maps even had MP items implemented and made the game play amazing, for a while i actually loved Snowbound.
*Locked* Bungie has already squashed this rumor and stated many times that they will not be adding bots to halo 3 which means there is no reason to discuss this any further.