New stuff to take note, when you're doing the glitch and you're holding one object and you've already dummied them. You have to wait until the object you set to spawn never disappears before raising the minimum. Afterwords you don't have to create another 2 objects of the same object you used before. You can create only one and set it to respawn at start--no, then dummy it. Right after dummining it you can raise the minimum.
[/QUOTE] Afterwords you don't have to create another 2 objects of the same object you used before. You can create only one and set it to respawn at start--no, then dummy it. Right after dummining it you can raise the minimum. so your saying if i already dummied a object i could use the object that never respawns again?
ya know whats funny is I actually thought that this technique might work, and whatdya know it does. I remember seeing the OLN merge video and almost instantly thought of a vid I saw a few months ago in these forums about a new way to interlock immovable objects using practically the same dummying technique.. the guy used a man cannon to move the boxes away much like you did with the 3rd open box. I was planning on experimenting with it, but hadnt had the time. Glad you did, and great job too. This really is huge for forge. It really is amazing how far forge has come inthe past 2 years, and extremely amazing how we are still managing to discover new glitches and little quirks about it. I can't wait to put all of this to practice.
I'll fill you in... 1. No, your glitch item will lose the effect... possibly doing a similar outcome of geomerging...where it would pop out of the map/objects it is interlocked with or fall threw the map. 2. Think of it as this after you set an object down it will remove the glitch almost instantly... so the object your holding for said case would float threw the earlier placed one. Now you will be free floating objects but you still able to line things up almost perfectly because if you picked them up from a flat spot you wouldn't have an issue in the first place. 3. Should be figured out by now...for at least a finish build concept one the object is free from the hand saved and published in a map. The object glitched like this plays exactly like the Default times. So the only other side of this is I have not tried this glitch while in a party and wonder what the HOST/non host idea arises. Again Yo-yo... I think I hear the call of forge, thanks for the wonderful find.
This has utterly blown open the concept of geo-merging! This will make merging on difficult maps liek standoff a breeze now. Just wish it would'a come when I needed to do a ridiculous merge. XD
So I tried this out on ghost town. WAOW! doing such complex merges is now so much easier. I was oging to say that i was still going to use tradtional merging for most things. But, honestly, I can't think of a reason why. This is truly a leap in forge.
I used to forge back then, but I soon lost interest in it because of how long it takes to build one map. Seeing this technique, I just might get back to forging again. Very...very nice find my friend.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Really guys? I geuss I will add tylyrs new glitch to the current tutorial, but seriously? Im gone for like half a day and suddenly everybody knows something I dont... Its like I predicted the future... Anyway, good job (for the third time) to tylyr, who seems to be the most helpful in advance the glitch. I am assuming If it werent for him, we would still be trying Fritzers somewhat complicated turotial back at page 3. Also, how in the hell did this get 40 replies in under 5 hours? This is somewhat amazing. Updating tutorial now...
I have found a slight glitch with this technique. I have noticed that occasionally some objects that have been geomerged or interlocked this way can dissapear if you look at them from certain angles. I never thought much of this when it first happened but i tested it out in custom games and it was happening there to. you can still stand on these items just not see them. This happening to anyone else?
lol. I was w/ a friend and I was showing him this. a made a steep ramp up to a double block. and I walked up it. He started freaking out saying that i just levitated up to the double block... I went into theater, omg it was freaking hilarious. it works though. once you let go, you have to start a new round.
You three are amazing, this is just brilliant. After 2 years of forging people still find ways to make it easier. this is the way forging should have been, except without the whole process. Thank all of you this is just to great for words
Let me correct you, Forge is a whole new gametype lol. Also the reason for this is probably because you geomerged it in the back hallway of Foundry? If you didn't then Idk. because sometimes when you geo in the back hall of Foundry the object likes to not show up at certain angles
Objects will also disappear temporarily after you set them, but all you have to do is restart the round and they are there to stay.
I think this happens with certain objects if more than half of it is in the ground (I think it decides that the object is in a different section of the map, and it doesn't render it to save memory). This same thing happened when I merged the stone platform in the ground, I picked it up a little more, and I could see it the entire time.
The invisible object glitch is happening for me too. I originally thought it was because there were a large number of cloned objects, but I guess it could be because the objects are merged more than half way. This should be looked into a bit more. These invisible objects were showing up in my custom games as well. If we learn how to control that effect it could be used for invisible force fields or something like that.