OP It seems like you should edit the original post to include the most accurate information. The OP still says that the glitch can only be accomplished with the original OLN objects. That is probably misleading anyone coming to the thread for the first time.
Well O.K. but some other guy posted pics of his map, but w\e, I guess I can't post one pic. (I didn't mean that in an arguing tone btw if thats the way you read it). But this did give me an idea for a loophole. Be right back, editing sig. I totally agree with this. Death Yo Yo, Please edit down your first post to make it more informational and less informal.
Yes, Death Yoyo it should be your responsibility to make sure the best way of doing this glitch reaches the top of the original post.
Ok, Ok, Ok, I'm learning from my mistakes, no hard feelings LIGHTSOUT?,I'm done with this argument, but anyways back on topic. Awhile back in this thread, Shock Thea said that he was going to post up a Forging 101 asap. I I can quote: If I'm not mistaken, that post was about 4 or 5 days ago. And? Phh w\e, does any mod know when this thing is going to come out. I also noticed Death Yo Yo had a new user title. What about tyryr1? they both should get custom titles. If it wasn't for death yo yo, tyryr1 wouldn't have found the non-oln glitch, yes, but he should get a title for discovering it too. Im not sure if one is in the works or what... For people who aren't sure what map this works on; it works with any DLC map including(in order of most usfull-ness): Foundry Sandbox Avalance Standoff Blackout Rats Nest Ghost Town Oribtal Assembly Just thought I would contribute a little more to the community and I'm tring to be less cocky. diger44
I found something interesting that should be noted: Only non-OLN objects can be pre-braced. When you use the glitch on OLN objects, and duplicate them, no matter what orientation you have the object in your hand at, the duplicated object will not maintain that same angle. I only noticed it once, and haven't played around with it too much, but its certainly easier to use the non-OLN objects it seems Also, another thing I noticed is that the glitch does not work on shield doors. I also heard it doesn't work with the red and blue lights, but I personally cannot confirm that.
It works for all maps lol. But like you said in the usefulness part maps like snowbound don't really work lol. I was trying to block the guardians with this but it doesn't work only thing i came up with was making a ring of ammo cache's around the gaurdian turrets.
Umm not really. All pre-DLC maps should technically be underneath the list that I made. There's almost no use for them. No-clipping activie cammos. You're kidding me? and for what you're doing it won't work nor would you need no-clipping.
The glitch does work on shield doors and red and blue lights. I did it myself using the up on the d-pad and pressing x quickly method.
Noted, and fixed. Thanks for noticing, and sorry that I left it erronous. This is a totally valid point. He definately put a huge amount of time, and effort into this, and made 3.5 of 5 massive breakthroughs. The half is because he made three and assisted another. It does sheild doors, but its really hard because of they're strange nature. Lights however, appear to only work with the oln objects. You spawn the other, and treat them like non-OLN objects, you just have to make sure that you dupe the OLN light. Also, I'm adding a summary of your first paragraph to the little note describing how to brace. Thank you for noticing this.
Guys, if you're going to be using this technique, I cannot stress enough the importance of forging on local. Not only will this improve your dummy rate, as mine currently sucks anyway, but it will also create a greater probability for the glitch to occur. Depending on network conditions and latency with your party, whether it be an XBL party or a game party, the glitch can have very low probabilities of occurring correctly. FORGE ON LOCAL.
I was about to type something about this, but I had the opposite discovery. I have a much higher success rate (almost 2:1) when solo in a LAN party. I dont know why, but the xbox live thing slows it down, and for some reason when in local my xbox makes the object flash between my hand and the original spawn point rapidly, almost like the console is trying to fix it. "The tension mounts!"
Interesting, we'll have to do a lot of tests and trials to see which of these is correct. I have a feeling it is a matter of individual connection. I usually am in an XBL party, but I forge on local, so there still is a bit of connection lag, though it is incredibly small. I really am intrigued by our conflicting results. This definitely needs confirmation.
Well, you've brought up an interesting point, but there are two sides to it. When I made my map, I worked in an invite-only xbox-live party with me and my second controller. I dummied almost every time. True, xbox-live is not as accurate as when forging on local, but when your host and you're playing with your friends, dumming is 10X easier due to lag. But when your by yourself, I don't really think it matters much, It only has a difference if some other person is in the game with you... That's odd. I've never seen that happen before. You might want to get that checked out or something. (lol /doctormode)
So we have a three-way tie between local, invite-only, and LAN, hmm.......... Perhaps it ultimately is an individual system and connection property? So, for example, two Xbox's right next to each other on different connections could feasibly ghost merge best on different connection settings. I am completely enthralled now.
I don't think so. This is more of a "lag is better" vs. "lag isn't better". Connection does matter though. I have a friend who has the WORST CONNECTION POSSIBLE (lol CAPS) and I can literally wait one second between pressing up and A and it will still work.
I just ried this glitch and it is AWESOME! One thing I noticed though is that sometimes the block that is set to never respawn sometimes wont disappear after you push it with the man cannon, I think it might be if you dont push it far enough away from it's starting point but havn't been able to prove it yet, some else wana try? Another thing is that sometimes after the block disappears and you set the run time minimum to it's highest the glitch dosn't work and the block your trying to glitch just stays the way it is. Very strange...
I just want to point out that there is an alternative way to dummying objects that nobody has said before. Basically, you want to go in your Forge Monitor, and Press Up on the D-Pad, and then quickly press X. You want to press them at about the same time, but delay the X a little bit. If done correctly, you will have your list up but you will be in Player Mode. Once you have this, spawn the object you want, and it is dummied just like that, no moving of the object required. (You still have to change the Respawn Time to 'Never' on the first object" Then, dummy another object using the same method, and after it has Spawned, pick it up and wait for the other object to spawn. While still holding on to the object, set the Run-Time Minium to the Maxium, and wah-lah. That's the way I do it, and maybe it's eaisier for some of you guys.
You've brought up an interseting point. This has been said before, maybe not in this thread or relating to the glitch, but I do remember trying this a few weeks ago but never thought of it more than a "look I can spawn objects as humans and having everyone in the party amazed". But anyways, have you test this yet? Do the eydropplets appere?
That's the way I've been using this glitch. It's much faster, and yes the teardrops spawn away from the object. Once you get you timing down on the UP & X combination. This will save you a ton of time.
Definately adding this to the tips. It seemed like it almost spead up the spawned object method twofold when I tried it on my console. I actually like this method a bit better, because its more effeciant. And you can impress your entire party.