On today's update, august first, they released images of a new exp bar. Good Idea, Bad Idea, or don't understand the concept yet. Can't wait to see my friend think the ranks were reset and now he's a recruit though. He's already bad at halo, this will really mess up his mind. Summary: Nothing at all changes. It just records exp in seperate playlists. Nothing else really changes. You still get matched by skill, not exp. No resets either. Here's the article. AU Deuce Last week I mentioned that there was a second Autoupdate coming to Halo 3 and that I'd talk about it this week. Mostly invisible to players are a mess of backend changes that continue to pump more information to us about behaviors (naughty and nice), tendencies and general smoothing of issues underneath Halo 3’s hood that we weren’t thrilled with. Much more visible to the players is some new functionality coming to Halo 3’s Experience system. As it stands in Halo 3, Experience is collected into a single bucket which then uses your highest skill in a ranked playlist to give you your “Rank.” We’re adding new Playlist Ratings to Halo 3 Matchmaking. Before I break down how things are changing here’s what is NOT changing: We are not resetting your “Skill.” Your Trueskill value will not change. We’re not resetting your current EXP. Your total EXP will still be displayed in your Service Record and that Rank will still be displayed in your Service Record. However, at the Playlist level, things are changing noticeably. While your total experience will still continue to climb in your Service Record, when AU2 goes live, we are enabling individual Experience ratings in each playlist. Playlist Ratings are based on how much experience you’ve accrued in a given Playlist. We’ll be basing your rating in a given playlist off of this value. When AU2 is released, we’ll begin tracking your experience per playlist, in that respect, everyone begins fresh. These new Playlist emblems will be familiar to Halo 3 players, but they have received a light graphical pass in game to distinguish Playlist Ratings from your Overall Rating. In the simplest terms this means that becoming a General in Team Slayer is no longer dependent on reaching Level 50 and acquiring a certain number of total experience points. Via Playlist Ratings, players can reach General in as many playlists as they want .The currency powering these new Playlist Ratings is Experience. Here's an example of how the Playlist Progression system could appear on Bungie.net. You can see the Progress bar beneath the name of the playlist as well as the parenthetical denotation of whether or not a playlist is Social or Ranked. Under this system, however, players will have individual Ratings in each playlist and they’ll see a graphical treatment of that here on Bungie.net and they’ll see their current status for the playlist that they are in. In custom games, the Rating on a player’s Service Record will be the icon that other players see. **UPDATE** Here are some quick and dirty user questions on the Playlist Ratings from the Internet: Posted by: Da Kr3w 4893 Can shishka or someone PLEASE clear up this new ranking system? I am honestly very confused. 1. Will each playlist have a seperate rank? 2. When the update goes live, when I go into a playlist, willl my rank show as a recruit? 3. Do you still have to be a 50 to be a general? 1. Yes. Ranked and Social lists each have their own ranks. 2. When you enter a playlist for the first time after AU2 you will be a Recruit in that playlist. In a Ranked playlist your SKILL number will still show. 3. To be a General on your SERVICE RECORD you must still be a 50 in a playlist, that is your Overall Rank. At the playlist level you can reach General from gaining Experience. Skill number is not required. Toadie1979 asks: Explain to me how a General now could be a Gunnery Sgt. in one playlist is fair to others in there? I guess I'll wait till it goes live to make up my mind, but right now in theory, this is a horrible idea. I guess it'll even itself out after a few weeks, but MM is going to suck till it does. Actually, we'll still be matching by Skill value the same way we have all along. At the playlist level, you'll still be matched against similarly skilled players, we're not resetting those numbers. We're adding a new metric for you to track your progress in a given playlist. If you're a 44 in Ranked Team Slayer, you'll still be a 44 and your 44 will still display. You will just be a level 44 Recruit in Team Slayer. After a whole bunch of games you may be a 44 General in Team Slayer. Rank at the Playlist level is no longer contingent on the numerical "skill" value (the one to fifty). But Rank is still being used to determine who you will face because we want the matches to be as fair as possible.
Don't understand to concept here. I am sure that when it comes out I will get it. Also I am so excited for the September update. It better be sweet.
Linkzorz to article. I don't like the idea. All of a sudden, Generals become Lieutenants, and you get matched with them. They have a HUGE advantage over many noobs.
Yes but they are "leuts" in a playlist theydont have a fifty in. Ie if you got a 50 in lone wolves,then you got good a jumping two people in the middle of a fight and generally out gunning people,camping etc. Almost none of thatstuff is any use at all to you in say team slayer where you need communication tactics and teamwork. Not to mention it means people like me who are damned cursed for some reason(im stuck at 33 due to ridiculousness) who have racked up more exp than befits their rank dont get stuck with brigadiers thewhole time. Iliterally cant rank upalmost because im being matched with people trying for their fifty due to my xp. And besides...what do generals do once they've reached general? Make another GT and start agian.At least this way they arent hidden
That's not what happens at all. Skill levels stay the same. So if you were a forty before, you still get matched with 40's now. It just records your exp in each individual playlist. Everything's the same, it just says your experiance in a playlist.
I'm not saying I'm a noob, lawlz. I'm okay when it comes to me. Poor noobs, lawlz. I actually think Bungie made this so that people who have multiple accounts loose some of their advantages. BTW, I bet I'm stuck at 20. Haven't played Ranked in forever.
I dont think i called you a n00b anywhere in that. Pah regardless n00bs are supposed to get whooped,THEN they get better and cease to be n00bs.Culling the n00b herd so to speak. Then we get a skilled ommunity and everyone is happy. All the gimp hiding and camping tactics combined with auto aim piss me off in modern games.Too n00b friendly and by the end no one actuallly gets good at the game.Just looks for new ways to exploit maps,spawn system etc. One guy i know looked at construct horrid sapwns and got an overkill easily ON TEAM DOUBLES!
Sry about the arguement and the confusion. I don't feel well today, it's more or less my fault. You have a great point about modern games though. It does get annoying when people exploit ways to spawn camp. You can easily spawn camp in Valhalla when you control both Banshees, and fly around at both of the bases, as well as have people in both bases with Shotguns. Construct would be better if it had more diversified spawns, as well as removal the sword. That does suck when you get killed by an Overkill in TD. Actually, I never though it was possible.
I didnt believe it either until i sawthe video. The guy knew the spawn system so well he knew where they would spawn based on where his teammate and he were.Then he spawn killed em with the remainder of his sniper bullets.
Dang, that really does suck. I also forgot to mention that they need to patch Construct again, in the top floor, in the room that intersects with the paths to the Sniper, the Sword, and the Purple lifts. There needs to be a barrier that prevents people from buddy jumping or using the Brute Shot to get into the ledges above the room. I haven't been in a game that involved hiders in that area, but if Bungie doesn't patch that, I bet I'll fall victim to it.
Okay, the playlist rank thing SOUNDS confusing, but it isn't Here's how it is: NOTHING is changing. Whats happening is, your experience in a given playlist (the amount of games played, based on wins and loss and what governs who you play in social) is being reset. The trueskill system (a number based on the experience per playlist, along with luck based statistic that calculates winning streaks against actual skill and confers it to said number, which is actually lower than your actual skill) is still intact. You previous number is still intact, your overall "symbol" or rank (basically shown in custom games) will remain. As it stands now, if you have too many loses and you are finding it too hard to level, you have no worries, it's being reset. We are going back to Halo 3 day one in terms of playlist experience. All that has "changed" is that the per playlist experience is now visible as both a rank, and a bar (on bungie). I think I forgot something, but this is what I gathered from the Weekly Updated. Could be wrong though, bungie words things weirdly.
So I understand it I think for the most part, I just have one question: is there some new way to obtain a general rank with experience so it shows up on your service record? or will i still have to do it as it's been done before (get 50 in a ranked playlist)?
I honestly don't have a clue about it and everything i say about it seems to be wrong .. So im just gonna wait for it to happen and get used to it .. When is this change taking place?
I'm pretty sure what it means is: You get to 50 in one playlist (TS per say), but you DON'T have 600 overall experience (games won in all playlists, not per playlist experience), you will have a 50 and a general symbol in TS but not on your overall service record. Though there is possibly a change between the skill level and the playlist experience. If so it may be true that you can become a general without a highest skill level of 50. Though there isn't enough information to be sure. Leave it to bungie to only wet our lips with the sweet taste of an update
It's pretty much an indication of how much experience one person has in a particular playlist. I like it =) I could be a general in BTB (I play and win it a lot), but be a sergeant in Rocket Race (which I don't win in a lot).