Small/Medium Symmetrical map built on the Quarry. Supports all gametypes except for Invasion and Race. 8-10 players recommended Download New Elysium Two symmetrical bases with a top level featuring the various objectives and an open bottom level. Two bridges stretch between the bases and a ground level tunnel separates the lines of sight while housing the Rocket Launcher. The covered bridge contains the Sword. A Shotgun rests on the open bridge. A teleporter transports players quickly between the top and bottom levels. Snipers are perched on the balconies facing each opposing base. Recommended for CTF gametypes. Download New Elysium
I really like the truss bridge, though whoever is in there is a fish in a barrel. Perhaps a little too much risk for the reward.
The fact that the creator of Cubeskew liked anything about my map is a huge compliment. Thanks! I thought about opening up a few sections, but I liked the contrast of having one bridge completely open and one completely closed off.
Having played this map... I enjoyed many aspects of this map, I played a big team multi-flag and a FFA slayer on this map, having 16 players may bee too much for this map, but the map played very well. On the sword bridge comment, I rushed sword at the beginning of the flag match and it took roughly a full sprint to make it through the tunnel. The reward was worth it, another player also charged the sword and was quickly defeated as I ran through him and 2 more of his team. Although after the beginning of the match it became much more difficult to get through the tunnel safely. Sadly the only advice I can give on the design would be to perhaps make the middle portion of the bridge open, same pieces but going halfway through to grab the sword is much safer than having to go the full length. You would then have options, going through to the other side, jumping off halfway through, or jumping to the top of the covered sections of the bridge. Also, a well timed shot with a sniper from the opposite side of the map would be possible to stop the sword player in his tracks... just some thoughts.
Based on feedback, it looks like I should take a look at the bridge. Which option do you think would be better: Option 1: Remove one piece from each side leaving it 3/5 covered in the center around the Sword Option 2: Remove some middle section maintaining cover near the bases but leaving the Sword area itself open Option 3: Completely uncover the bridge [br][/br]Edited by merge: ***Updated Version as of 2.11.11*** New Elysium * Removed Warthogs * Switched Shotgun/Rocket Launcher spawns * Added Sniper Rifles to both bases * Added Assault Rifles/DMRs/Needle Rifles * Lowered Sword Platform * Adjusted roof Kill Zones * Added Killzone to Infection camp area 2.11.11 * Tweaked KOTH_Hill to avoid confusion * Removed section of bridge for better flow