link : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing No its jus something i made on custom games that i thought looked pretty cool tell me wut u think
Wow! It'd be sick to have this helmet in Halo! Like a hidden acheviment! Anyways Keep up the Good work!
It certainly looks like it yeah. I'm probably going to fool my little brother soon with this. He will get excited - but then I will drop the bombshell... A little harsh but he's old enough to take it as a joke lol
lol nice atleast he will figure out the armor is fake unlike some people that watched the youtube video with my armor that clearly states "its a glitch" but im still being spammed with messages asking how I got that armor -_-
I have seen alot of these. I still cant figure out how they did this besides interlocking turrets in the same place. I have seen it done with vehicles, turrets, and my friend zZDarkLegacyZz modded it so you could walk around like that.
you cant mod like that obviously you know nothing of modding. the only way you can do something like that is .map modding which is impossible at the moment and only 2 people know how so far. Also I just looked on his file share and its obvious that he is a modder but that still doesnt change the fact that it is still impossible to fuse 2 armors together and walk around in-game with out .map modding. Even then I dont think you could. Also his assassin armor pics uses the same theroy as my armor fusion pic.