New Doria

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by lieutenantnasty, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. lieutenantnasty

    lieutenantnasty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    New Doria

    Created by LieutenantNasty

    Map Description
    New Doria is built for one sided game types and ffa. 2v2 one flag and bomb are both great. I haven't played 4v4 yet. Ffa koth, slayer, and headhunter have all really been fun.






  2. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    The map appears to be a fairly well-designed asymmetric map, seems very original as it doesn't really remind me of any other Halo maps. I would like to see a weapons list in the post as well though, and from the screens, I see alot of stacked pieces that look like they might cause some z-fighting and framerate issues. I would have to dl it to look at it any further, but it looks pretty good so far.

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