It's not my fault that I have a phobia of the deep ocean. I could swim on the shore, but that's about all I would do. I wouldn't ever go scuba diving, deep sea diving, or any of the sorts. Some of the sea creatures I see are just really damn weird. Anyways, it's mostly just the fear of the creatures that live in the ocean. I mean seriously, who would want to search for stuff like the Megalodon? **** that...
is it just me, or does that have resimblance to the mini cloverfeild monsters? The monster Did Come from the oceans
Oh's noes! Teh monsters from that movie are going to kill us all![/sarcasm] That squid is ****ed up. I was like "WAT DA FUK IS DAT TING?" That just goes to show that we have not discovered every animal on this planet. I mean, we did find a fish a few years ago that was thought to be extinct for millions of years and we found out it's not. (Sorry I can't remember the name of the fish)