Will the new update for Halo Reach add in new commendations? Do you think Bungie will add new ones one day? Perhaps they could melee ones? What do you think they should add if they do? On a side note what will they fix when the update comes and when will the update come?
One question I have about the update is will doing the first mission and waiting till the end and saving and quitting result in a reset of credits? I read on Bungies website that doing the target locator trick is acceptable as long as you don't have a code reloading the checkpoint to give you credits. The saving and quitting is not cheating at all just like the target locator but of course Bungie might disagree since it does give you the 'Flawless Cowboy' commendation really easy. Which is probably a good enough reason for Bungie to reset someone since it's something they don't want you to do. What are your thoughts on this matter?
I don't have the link to the thread, but I did read yellow text saying that doing that is fine, as it still comes under 'playing the same section over and over'. You should be fine
Sakori, I did reload the first level till I got to gold but I got 600 credits when I should have got 1000 credits. Before when I got it to silver I 600 as well, but I had gotten 200 credits every time I did the mission, when I passed silver I started getting 50 credits. Now I don't even get credits for doing the trick and I'm afraid to even try to do it again because I might not get the credits I should get for making the commendation Onyx. So I decided to stop doing it and play firefight and multiplayer which give me the credits I deserve. Is there some kind of weekly credit cap for a game mode because i don't understand why I don't get any credits for doing the trick. Unless Bungie somehow made it to where I didn't get any credits for campaign. Which is load of bullocks because I decided to start working on getting the achievement of beating legendary by myself. Playing the highest difficulty and not getting the credits I earned is just going to be really stupid.