Campaign DLC has been hinted at before. Hence "The fight isn't over yet" in one of the earlier updates.
I hope they don't make us pay for the downloadable campaign levels if there are any. Although I know that we are going to have to pay for the new maps, but I'm ready for that. The new achievements sound fun too although that one about finishing Halo 4 player with everyone in Ghosts on legendary difficulty with Iron on sounds like a nightmare.
It is too hard to say. My guess would have to be no, but Bungie likes to speak in riddles. And that is the only reason they suck so bad. lol, but not seriously
ahh! bungie got us again, they didnt do anything for a few months, but it looks like bungie has been workin hard! WOOHOO! more achievements, new levels, new AWESOMENESS!
I brought the concept up a long time ago. I really would hope for some more campaign levels. Possibly a better boss level than 343 or maybe a whole new race of aliens...
343 guilty spark (monitor) a whole new race is stretching it. And what boss? Gravemind? That would be 3 levels minimum but for a good storyline/plot it needs a new game.
A random speculation, but why wouldn't Bungie just put the skulls in the multiplayer maps? Then they won't be able to be activated over MM?
Putting the campaign skull would ruin the Gameplay. Besides, with the Custom games feature you could add the effects without the skull. Now, putting in the SCARAB GUN in Multiplayer is a whole new story.
that would be great i got bored of campaign before i even bought the game because i played it over friends house so much its not even fun anymore to blan . but would it be an extenuation of the story line or would it be just set in a different area but in the same time table?
Wow, a lot of you guys are being sarcastic to me. Can you guys even prove me wrong? No, I don't know everything, yes I do know a lot. Getting involved with the community has released a lot of information. If you guys would stop jumping to conclusions, and listen to the post, you won't be proven wrong.