If you didn't already hear, there's new achievements. But I have a question about the new skull achievements. Will there be new campaign levels?
I believe that they are going to be on some of the new maps somehow (as the name of one skull is 'Assembly', a confirmed new map) but that is just what I think, Bungie will probably say in the Update tonight.
New campaign levels would be great. I haven't played campaign since I was helping all my friends get the achievement, which was months ago. After playing them all 50 times each I kinda want something new. Something not available on custom games or matchmaking.
Yes, agreed I really do want new campaign levels. But will they do that instead of makeing a halo4? Will they add levels in between the campaign or the end? These are the questions I need answered lol
Since when did they say there would be new achievements? It doesn't say anything about that in the news on Bungie.
It was leaked at PAX, wait for the update, you shall see. If not, just google it. I doubt new Campaign levels will be put in, but you can always hope
Sweetness! That makes me very =). I'd love to have some achievements based on number of kills/ medals/ weapon kill percentage, etc. I think an awesome achievement would be to get over 500 kills with a needler in ranked. That'd be the real "Fear the pink mist."
Yeah lawl, the base achievements of Halo 3 were already easy, now these are really for achievement whores!
NEVER, EVER EVEN THINK OF BUYING A PS3. Do you see what the 360 gives, after a time, it gives you Forge Hub, what does Forge Hub give you, it gives you friends and fun!
Final Fantasy 13, it was originally going to be PS3 only, but at E3 it was announced that it would also be developed for the 360.
Well i heard of something not long ago there is no mythic map pack but a mythic expansion pack which has 6 new levels Assembly (shown at PAX, Covenant themed) •Sandbox (The blank editor/Forge 2.0 map in the Bungie EDGE acceptance speech video) •Orbit (Currently known as Moonbase Alpha, set on a human space station) •Citadel (Covenant Themed map) •Heretic (Covenant/Brute Themed map) •Longshore (Spiritual Successor to Relic from Halo 2 and others, Human or Forerunner Themed map) It is said to include 2 - 6 extra campaign starting from the legendary ending to halo 3 new maps a due to be shown during next 3 months and pack is due out by end of the year i'm mega excited if its real but its only popular rumor thats flying around oh yea and the superintendent made a showing in the bungie update if anyone is following that story.