Hey guys im pretty new here and im starting to get into screenshots, so i decide to put up some of my best work! BTW: im pretty good at it ^.^ My most Favorite Silence I love the glow on this one! The New Guy I just think it looks cool! Firebird
Hey I'm not really a fan of the last two, but I really like the effect on the first one. It looks very pretty. XD I'd be interested to know how you got it, but if you want to keep it a secret, thats k.
He got it with juicy blue light red light and a killball... Am i right? I really like the first pic but the second is little blurry and the third is okay its a nice effect. The blue light is on his right the kill ball on his left and a red light behind him and he turned on juicy
Since you all are asking... 1) Start a forge game with two people on Ghost town with forced color black and invulnerability. 2) Turret glitch into the "Secret Room" 3) Setup: Here is a diagram of whare u should stand, your partner to throw the spike grenade, and where to put the Juicy Fx (i replaced it witha a camo to show u guys where everything goes). 4) Once you are done posing go ito theater and look through the fx during the explosion at your person and watch for the effect you want
What is the secret room on Ghost Town? I only got Mythic and Legendary map packs recently so I'm not exactly sure about what you're talking about.
lol. thats awesome all of them. 5/5 dude. especially the first one, thats epic how you got the three colors and stuff.
I personally don't like the last 2 because of their effects, and seem kind of bland. But the 1st is if I may say, SEXY. The spartan's position works so well, and for some parts of it, I can barely tell that it's a video game. I also like the transition and how it goes from blue to bright yellow.