This thread is not up to Forge Hub standards. This thread must meet the following criteria within twenty-four (24) hours, or it will be locked. - Must have a description of your map. - Must have at least one embedded screenshot or video that clearly shows your map. - Must have a working download link. - Must have an unedited thumbnail. Click here for a guide to embedding screenshots. ANY POST PERTAINING TO SCREENSHOTS OR ERRORS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.
you need at least a paragraph of your descriptions (recremended) 3 pictures and all your weapons posted or it will be locked up trust me its happened to me. if you need help i will help you
On a side note: your title is spelled wrong. I believe you are attempting to type New Alexandria. Because of this, I recommended you PM a mod to delete the post and try again later after reading the forum and map posting rules. Thankyou for choosing forgehub