Should the internet be regulated by the FCC or should it remain how it is? What I am asking is should the net remain neutral or should net neutrality be abolished (which means not more porn, cursing, and any inappropriate material unless paid for like pay-per-view. IE HBO, STARZ, MAX, and SHOWTIME). Net Neutrality
The only problem is this: WWW World Wide Web The only sites that could be blocked are non www sites with U.S. domains
ya know... there is such a thing as too mutch porn...i think Back on topic: net neutrality should stay, in my opinion
The amazing thing about the internet is you pretty much have access to any information you want or need. Censoring parts of the internet would just bring a lower attraction to the internet. I say keep neutrality
Neutrality FTW! I just really hope its here to stay. Not really much to debate on it, I think everyone can agree.
Regulate the internet??? Doesn't that cross like the main moral fiber of the internet? You know, be free, do what you will, whether it be looking at fake-breasted women for 19 hours at a time, or illegally downloading your favorite movie, or playing an mmorpg for 16 days straight, no food, no water, no excretion? I mean...I'm being very...VERY extreme with these examples...but seriously...The internet is about freedom...If I can't have that freedom...I'm going somewhere that will give me that freedom...
Obviously I'm against regulation of the internet, but if they did attempt to do this, pirates everywhere would figure out how to get around it within a week and the internet would keep on keeping on.
I'd say everyone on this forum is probably for keeping net neutrality. The people who are trying to chip away at it are the corporations... go figure. It's actually pretty important to keep NN intact. The internet is quite a powerful and revolutionary tool for independent media and the free availability of information, which is the only weapon we have against the corporate machine.
What i have been thinking for a long time is that the FCC should put some kind of custom rstriction or "tag" on innapropriate material. Like, if a site has pornographic material it should have like a .xxx after the .com or whatever and blocks on your internet browser could be set to display a message like "are you sure you want to display this site or popup" or whatever. But the FCC should at least make a small gesture towards limiting or confining this. And pornographic popups should be illegal. Those are just horrible. NN should definetely stay, but innapropriate content should not be so easy to get to for younger kids, etc.
The internet is possibly the last place where we can publicly express our true selves. If it gets controlled by the FCC, that would totally limit our expression and provide plenty of phail. The internet might actually just get completely shut down. I might have to buy a bunch of external harddrives and download the internet. I loves the internet, I've learned way more from it than from what school has ever taught me.