I just got into nerf guns and I was wondering if anyone else is. For my birthday last weekend I received the Nerf Maveric Rev-6. It was tons of fun to screw with my friends and sisters around the house. I looked up some stuff on the internet and found out that there is a huge modding community with Nerf. I quickly found out how to do mods for my gun like the standard air restrictor removal mod and the russion rullet mod (wich makes the ammo turret pop all the way to the side). I just got done painting my gun tonight. Here's a before and after. Before After Obviously I didn't do much, but i liked the way it came out. (sorry its blurry.. camera phone..) Anyway, I hope to host my first Nerf war soon in my area!
That looks pretty pro man. It would look cool to have a revolver aesthetic style paint gun. *hint hint*
Why should this be moved to off topic? "General Chat - This forum is dedicated to civilized discussion of matters of importance. NOT a spam board." I don't understand why this doesn't meet the discription but other posts in this forum do. If this were talking about airsoft guns or even real guns would it still be put in off topic? Its important to me and most people don't realize how many adults play and modify nerf guns. "Off Topic - Go insane! Posts don't count in this area of the forum, forum games and random nonsense is rampant! Enter at your own risk. Follow the forum rules, no extreme amount of spam." This is not a forum game and not random nonsense. Id rather to be able to discuss the top civilly rather than it be spammed by tons of idiots posting things like "ZOMGS!! NERF GUNZ R 4 KIDZ!!!!111!". Your logic doesn not make sense at all. LoL.. This was my first time to paint anything like this so i played it safe. I may go a little more extravagent next time.
None taken. But would you please explain to me as to why it would be moved? The two forums descriptions make it seem like off topic is just for randomness and stupidity and general chat is for actual discussions.
That's tight. I have the maverick and the firefly, and my friend has the large pump machine gun type thingy along with multiple others, but I have never thought of modding them. +rep for playing with guns!
There's a whole article I tried to find for you but I lost it. Anyway lemme break it down to you. -Paintball and air soft are more expensive -You have to re buy your ammo every time you play -They are generally not modifiable -You can't play during the summer because you have to have gear and padding on (paintball mainly) -You can't play in the winter because the paint and other parts of the gun can mess up in the weather -You are more inclined to not get hurt with nerf -You can play inside The list goes on and on. thanks! I know! And only 40 bucks! A definate buy when its released in a few months!
Hell ya, you want awesome, try the RAP4 AK-47 mod. Paintballs in cartriges loaded from a magazine? GENEOUS!
Wow, I got so caught up in airsoft I forgot how awesome nerf guns are! My birthday is coming up, I'm gonna get an awesome one.