This is a map I designed in sketchup. I'm currently trying to decide wether or not I should design the map in the air or in the water as noted by the first picture. Any insight into design specs, general gameplay alters or similar would be most appreciated. On one last, final note, I should mention that the large wall is just there in place of some type of natural rock wall that would only come in contact with the areas in contact in the photos. Without further ado, here are the photos:
To quote some guy in the Incompetent Cartographer series Urk did: "I see a lot of narrow paths and not much dance floor."
The whole bottom floor could be beefed up. That would have the added benefit of letting players jump from the top to bottom more easily. You've got a bunch of rather pointless curved bridges that just make U shapes (unless those are supposed to be aesthetic and unreachable, it's hard to tell), why not build a structure there instead? You really want some actual structures with options and room to maneuver, but right now you've instead got a hamster maze. You've got a massive budget, go nuts with it.
You seriously need a "danse floor" also design an eye catching peice to differentiate your map from others