Neptune Sonata (a movie idea)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Indie Anthias, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I guess I might as well post this. I have a movie idea in my head that I hope to make into reality one day. I have no idea how to make a movie, never taken any film classes or anything like that, don't even have any sweet hook-ups with "the right" people. But I can write about it, dammit.

    So first off, we all know about the Dark Side of the Rainbow conspiracy-theory, don't we? The (pretty thoroughly debunked) supposition that Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is supposed to align with The Wizzard of Oz. Which it does, but only coincidentally.

    My idea is to do basically this, on purpose. I would take a particular album. The album is Abbey Road. I would cut the movie so that it overlays perfectly with Abbey Road. Essentially a really long music video. But of course, Abbey Road wouldn't actually be included in the movie, I would make a totally different "other" soundtrack that actually plays. So, people could choose to watch it with the soundtrack included, or to mute the music (which would be a DVD option) and play Abbey Road on their own. There would be a fairly obvious "push start now" cue, like the lion roaring in the Wizzard of Oz.

    I don't have anything picked out for it yet but I would treat the included soundtrack with all seriousness, I think that music is the heart and soul of any movie. The music would be picked out to create a totally different emotional experience than Abbey Road would provide.

    OK ON to the movie.

    Without going too deep into the more esoteric themes, the movie, on it's base level, is about a protagonist who dies and experiences an afterlife. This afterlife is not based on any religion, it's based on my imagination. The main character is a girl, who I have a last name picked out for but not a first name. Her last name is Caspian. She's tentatively Jane Caspian for now (instead of Jane Doe..) There will be a split-screen portion in the middle of the movie lasting from about "Octopus's Garden" to about "Here Comes the Sun". The right side of the screen will depict objective reality, the left side of the screen will depict the perception of Jane.

    The screen will split at the beginning of the day. For the first few minutes, they will both show the exact same thing. Jane will experience a sudden, fatal accident (I'm thinking about making it a skating accident), and at this exact moment, the left side of the screen and the right side of the screen will diverge from each other. In the right side (the objective reality side), Jane is killed instantly, chaos breaks out, people are upset, etc. etc.... a funeral takes place, and finally settles on a grave stone.

    On the left side of the screen (the subjective protagonist perspective side), the accident is narrowly avoided and Jane continues on her life, not knowing she's dead (yeah I'm biting off the 6th Sense here). Things seem fine at first but reality becomes progressively more and more dream-like. She has a hard time talking to people, has false awakenings, her mood and attitude change, she becomes more and more detached from her life. It's a very dreamy sequence. By "You Never Give Me Your Money", she knows that she is dead and in some sort of afterlife. The split-screen ends (we've just been staring at her grave on the right for a few minutes now).

    The rest of the movie is just all the best trippy/awesome/psychadelic imagery that I can come up with, matching the ebb and flow of the Abbey Road medley sequence. There will be some orgasmic climax through "The End", and when "Her Majesty" plays, Jane will be seen happily sitting in a surreal scene totally not reminiscent of any religious heaven, looking somehow older and more experienced than a moment before, probably drinking coffee or something.

    Abbey Road is 47:15, so it will be short for a movie.
    #1 Indie Anthias, Dec 23, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  2. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
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    I'll be the first to comment on this then. I'm actually surprised that this doesn't have any comments yet. This is a very 'bold' idea. It's not something somebody has tried before but if you were to make it it seems like it'd either be some amazing experience that everyone would have to see or it would sink like a rock. I didn't even know about the Dark Side Of The Moon - Wizard of Oz 'conspiracy' thing so thanks for telling me that, it's quite interesting. I'm going to look that up now. :D

    Jane Caspian is actually a rather good name.

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