Neolithic V2 I made a lot of changes from the first version to the second version of Neolithic. First, I added a Rocket perch, very similar to the one found on Assembly. Second, instead of the pathway leading straight outside of the base, I move it outward to make more room and have more of a aesthetic feeling atmosphere. Third, weapon placements. Since the layout of the map changed tremendously, I also changed the weapon set up. I removed two BR's and removed all four Plasma Rifles. I also removed the Power Drain and Bubble Shield originally found at each base. (Red got Bubble Shield, Blue got Power Drain). Since I added a Rocket perch, an Energy Sword takes place where the Rocket Launcher used to Spawn. Weapons Battle Rifle x2 Needler x1 Rocket x1 Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Energy Sword x1 Equipment Active Camo x1 Overshield x1 Plasma Gernade x8 Screenshots This is the original overview of the map. This is the new overview of the map. (Note that several changes were made). Red Base Blue Base Rocket Spawn Needler Walkway Needler Walkway (Zoomed out). There are two versions of the revised map, the original and the gloomy version. Gloomy Screenshots Gloomy Overview Blue Base Center Area Needler Red Base Rocket Spawn Action Screenshots As you can see, both revised versions are identical except for the Gloomy Effect. Both Versions are available on my Fileshare. You can download both versions here: Neolithic Neolithic Gloom Thanks again to everyone that has supported me thus far in my Forging Career!
hahaha hey it looks like you followed my advice about making a v2 eh.... well this my friend, I must say is much better not only the merging, it looks like u made every wall air tight this time so good job and keep up that good work. only thing this time actually is that you must work on is making your merges perfect and cleaner looking as in hmmm straighter, more aligned i guess..... i don't wanna sound picky or try to catch you on every flaw but that rocket perch i believe it is looks slightly off not sloppy but off i give this a 4/5
If you're going to make an updated version of your map, just update your last thread. Don't make another thread.
Your expansion of the blue side has really added to the character and play-ability of the map: Before, Neolithic came across as a bit of a run-of-the-mill level, with a boxy layout and a base on each end. Now, with the expansion of the wall, Neolithic has an interesting semi-asymmetrical layout, and a unique shape and design, both of which catch the eye much moreso than the original. Well done, and keep up the good work! Moxus P.S. Also a big fan of the gloomy filter - Gives the map a really interesting look.
you've got some significant gaps that should be filled in, and there are some sloppy parts. I like the two small corners on the wall on red side, but they need to be straitened out. That map overall though, is great. I love the layout and the weapon placement. The map looks and feels interesting and unique. That's tough to find. I can't wait to see more of your work in the future. Awesome job!
wow, great job on this. I love how the bases over look the map, but dont give u much shooting space. And two shotguns? I dont know where they're located, but i havent even played on the map, but ill get back to u on that 1. ill dl the map and see. Good work 8/10 Some areas were a bit sloppy
There really is not much shooting room which requires some inovation on the weapons. For a map this confined, there should be a larger number of dualwieldable weapons placed. Good job, a big step up from your original!!!