Hi all, i have been baking a stargate themed map called Neo Atlantis. Its an invasion game where a team of elites start at the top of the canyon (with revenants & ghosts) and attempt to capture a spartan air base at the shoreline shown here: once the air base is captured all the banshees spawn which the elites can use to attack atlantis and attempt to secure a landing pad here: once a landing pad is secured they can move on to the main building to steal a core.
This is a very good looking map. It has great architecture and designs, as well as decent long range cover. I wonder how it would play, could you please post some gameplay images? Also, you don't need a new post for every image, you can just edit the first post.
i did try to edit my original post but it seems to run out of space (wont let me post text after the last picture) am i missing something? The map (and gametype) are a homage to the season 1 finale of stargate atlantis "the siege" As for gameplay photos im still waiting on most of my friends to pick up reach. however if anyone wants to volunteer as a tester my gamer tag is rentadog. thanks Rob
If your running out of space, go to your images on bungie.net, save them to your hard drive and upload them to photobucket or imageshack.
more pics, actually played a 3v3 the other day and initial impressions are that it plays very well. phase 2 seems very busy, with pretty much a constant stream of banshees raining down on the base, even with only 3 players. on the whole im very happy with it but we NEED MORE TESTERS to really put it through it's paces. some action shots: on another positive note, i figured out how to post all my images in one post. yay for me