Need Them Achievements? Have you finished all your achievements? If you haven't post the ones you need, and hopefully someone that reads the article will reply, and send you a friend request on xbox live to help you out. Im doing this, because I finished them today, so now im willing to help other people out on achievements. So post the ones you need here.
Ka ka ahem A summary of the lone wolves pregame lobby....give me a sec "beathes.." CAN SUM1 HELP ME GET OVERKILLL!!!!?????? i FIGURED AT THIS POINT EVERYONE ALREADY HAD THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF HAD GIVEN UP CARING AT THIS POINT
I'd also be glad to thank get achievements. I enjoy going through campaign co-op, I know all the skulls and terminals and all. Plus I could probably help with some multiplayer achievements as well. My gamertag is on my sig. Ciao. -Shin
I need A lot: Campaign On Legendary MetaGame Overkill mongoose mowdown steppin razor and I think one more.
I need a lot to: Campaign Legendary - only need Halo Marathon Man Meta-Game - nearly all Overkill Lee R. Wilson Memorial Steppin' Razor Mongoose Mowdown Maybe Next Time Buddy We're in for Some Chop Headshot Honcho - I suck with the sniper. I need all of these because I rarely play Lone Wolves. BTW, I had security shoulders and I got another achievement and they locked up again. This game hates me.
I'll be willing to help, seen that I already have all of them. If someone here has a skill of, 30-42 in Lone Wolves, can they help me boost my skill? If you want to help please send me a Frend Request to: Alienvsbon
I got overkill and steppin razor at the same time. Its really simple if you set it up right. I got it on snowbound where everyone were mostly fighting in the open part of the map. Just find to people sword fighting and throw a grenade. Simple Double Kill, just look around for another person coming kill him and then do it again. Killtaculars are even possible to, but I got unlucky with that. Also mongoose moedown has to be focused on to. The easiest way is to hope someone is away from there 360. Or on isolation people usually head for the shotte at the beginning. Grab a mongoose and head up there and drive straight through. Hope This was helpful if it was +rep lol
Steppin' Razor Legendary Brawl helped me with a lot of achievements. It just didn't have swords though...