Here is V1. n33ds your cnc for a v2 possible v2 maybe this? heres an older version I did some more work on before I changed the bg and render
V1 to V3? I'm stumped... I'd say add fore of the background to the left side, or at lest fade it out more gradually. It just ends abruptly and leaves empty space.
I like how you used the C4D, but it needs some more action on the left. Bring out the focal more and make it less dark.
Why do you always use the same text? That font is just...disgusting. You should try changing it up a bit. Some good fonts are Impact, Tw Cen MT (try Condensed Tw Cen MT or Condensed Tw Cen MT Extra Bold if you like Tw Cen MT), Rosewood Std, Poplar Std, Onyx, Niagra Engraved/Niagra Solid, Mesquite Std, Haettenschweiler, Birch Std, Bernard MT Condensed, Birth of a Hero, or Agency FB. Those are my favs. Also,
Try putting Rukia above the C4D, and place another, similar C4d behind her. Your definatly getting better, try to only have one focal in the future.