Hello me and some other people have been working on a forging website.We cant really pick out a good name.One that was decent was forgecrew.com but i dont like it much.If anyone has any ideas for one then just reply a name you think.we would prefer it to be forge____.com Thank you for giving us some ideas we all apreciate it, American10 and others.
Uh I dont know about proforgedome.com because it sounds like we are a community that makes domes lol. Forgegasm.com isnt bad but I want one more similar to forgeguide or forgehub you know something in that sort.
ok... we were mocking you... my real suggestion is that you just dont make a site at all because FH is the best forge community there is, and its been around since the beginning. why would you want to fail?
yes I agree with tit, but in the case failing is your fav thing, "Forgefail.com" lol, jkjk how about Forgerealm.com sounds cool... lol Nemi... thats awesome name, screw mine, use Nemis!
Want to know what you can go **** yourselves this is just a website for are forging clan not for all the assholes like you.If you dont have a real suggestion then dont even post retards.
forgefail.com yea right but not saying you guys are big d bags but i just want a real idea i know it isnt going to be as good as forgehub but ours is a private one so you guys can just calm down and be realistic. Edit*lol my bad dude didnt see forgerealm.com thats a good suggestion thank you.
I know but im making it right now and i kinda got a deadline on it and i got most stuff written except for the name.Im sorry for talking like that everyone and im mostly into funny crap like that and i would have done the same thing too but i woke up at 4:00am this morning and had to drive for 5 hours in pouring down rain so excuse me for being cranky.
you still havent said why you are making it, FH is all you need. is it for a project for school or something? because that is probably the only reason that makes it not stupid
He said it's for his forging clan I think, not for people to search for maps or anything. Don't go so crazy there next time man
Yea my bad for going crazy if you read my other post that tells you why.i think i already got my name thank you for the people giving me real suggestions.And i agree it is kinda stupid but i dont really care and my clan needs a website to go to so i will make one and thenmy clan doesnt have to yell at me.