would anybody like to help me test this map? Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting if so get on xbox and add me GT: DAWSON4321
You should post the map here to try an get members to test it with you. You may also post it here to get well-written feedback from other testers, though there's no guarantee your map will be tested. Also make sure you follow the template or it won't be tested. EDIT: Is it 3v3? Me and my buds could help with testing in an hour if it is..
its actually atleast 4v4 but i played a 2v2 on it and it worked alright a 3v3 would be better, and yea i dont post much on here, but yea id appreciate the help when u get on haha
This looks really nice! I especially like the clock towers I and use of platforms and inclines. You honestly dont see many circuluar appearing maps in reach, so kudos . I'll try to squeeze in some time this week to help out, as I am like you and dont post maps up very often. What weapons are on the map?