Hey. What's up. It's Trivial. I have a question that needs to be answered for my upcoming map. What would you substitute for a: *Power drain *Portable gravity lift in Reach? I was thinking armor lock/plasma pistol or jet pack, respectively. Thoughts? *This is a H:3 remake, that's why I need to know. Thanks.
This might sound ridiculous, but what about a 1-shot Grenade Launcher? It would have an area of effect EMP, and I recall the Power Drain being able to kill low-health players with direct hits (or after it exploded). Jet Pack sounds good for the gravity lift, although I'm not sure how you'd restrict it to one-time use. Maybe in the gametype disable armor abilities, and then have a custom powerup right on the jetpack spawn that will enable the jetpack for an amount of time. My $.02. Good luck with your map.