I'm suffering from a phenomena I like to call "ghost objects". I've been working endlessly on forging a map on Sandbox, however I keep running into this problem whenever I'm trying to interlock objects. I'll turn up the timer on an object and then turn off place at start, however when I start a new round, the object is still there... sort of. It's a physical hard object that I can stand on top of or bounce things off of but I can't pick up, delete, edit properties on the object. It doesn't happen with every object I set to disappear, its usually just one of the most important ones I need gone to be able to interlock. Sometimes it will show up for about 20-30 seconds before disappearing like its supposed to, other times it will stay there all the way up to the point where it's supposed to "respawn". Obviously this creates a problem because since its there, I can't move objects into the location to interlock. I'm getting rather frustrated because I can't continue working whenever the objects show up. Sometimes starting a new round will fix the problem (i.e., go from never disappears --> disappears after 20 seconds) but other times I have to go as far as saving, ending the game, starting it up, and starting a new round. Sometimes not even that works. Does anybody have a solution to this problem, and is it happening to other people as well? I would assume it is... But really if anyone has a solution or work around please let me know!
That sounds like a flaw that your xbox or disc is having. I almost want to reccomend redownloading the content pack that this is happening in be it heroic or mythic. The thing you explained usually happens during a new game but rarely a new round. So besides that I really can't help. sorry
Are you using the original sandbox objects? IF so do not use them delete them all( except for spawns, weapons, equipment and vehicles.) This is probably your problem. By the sounds of it, this is your problem. The original objects are really screwed and don't work so just delete them. (They go back to object limit and budget aswell.)
This usually happens when you trun something off, then save and quit before you turn them back on. Try starting a new round, then spawn the objects.
If you have an object set to place at start no, and you start a new game, sometimes the object will be there but you won't be able to pick it up. If this is the case, just start a new round.
Sounds like you're using the default OLN objects. Check out the link in my sig for some tips on how to work with them.
So far MickRaider has been the most helpful, so thank you very much! however, it's not just the map default objects that are doing this, its plenty of other one's I'm buying. Regardless I'm still going to try applying your guide to them. As a side note, some people were saying just to delete them but as far as I've heard that's not the best idea because they don't count towards the object budget. I could be wrong on this but I swear I read it on bungie.net.