I am soon going to make an assault map on Standoff (not giving out all the details, don't want my idea stolen) But I need some tips on how to create a giant airship using what standoff has to offer, and also how to block of the bunker areas.
It would be simple to block off the bunkers. Just grab a crate or something and put a weapon holder behind it. Or put a grav lift in a weapon holder. For the giant airship, you would definitely need two or more bridges for the wings. Otherwise, it is difficult to tell what kind of airship you want without more detail, and what materials are available.
already on it. Got finished last weekend with it, but respawn areas are in need of fixing. Check my FS, 1st slot, under the same gtag/b.net username as my hub username. Standoff was the only map open enough for this but now on tuesday we'll have Avalanche and maybe even Lockout to play with. I have a few ships in dry dock on Foundry as well, with help from Fluffysushi aka Urm4mm4. These are my babies, but feel free to use or modify them for your map variant. I used three bridges, four open double boxes, and three fence boxes for the main structure of each airship. The thrusters are floated grav lifts on carefully placed wep holders. They're pretty enough I think. Carefully tilted and floated mancannons provide for entry from ground level. I made two identical ships because I wanted to have opposing teams try to board the ship to blow it up, but I didn't bother to block off the bunkers. Try using a combination of tele nodes, crates and wep holders, plus some leftover fence boxes and you should be good. I'm surprised me and you are the only people to have a go at this whole airship thing but then again what you're essentially talking about is a stationary floating base that just resembles a spaceship of some sort. But do me a favor and make one single huge ship. That would be tight.
I actually downloaded a map from Gamefaqs where a guy made a ship being constructed in the air and the idea was to board the ship and bomb it. It was called Titan327 maybe? Titan and some numbers..I recently deleted it though..it was based off a show I guess? Anyway..you may want to add some interesting twists to this idea, or even just improve upon it..if you can find the map. I'm not sure if it's posted here.