Well, I'm back... I was hoping for some help on an asset map I have been working on. I just need some tips and pointers, such as what kind of structure to put on the platform and what to put in the base. I'm just running out of ideas. Sideview The Platform (The circle is supposed to be for the hornet) Lower Area Inside the Base Overview I do know about the wall that is uneven in the second picture, i'm going to fix that later Any help or tips you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated -Nate
Well, in my opinion, asset maps should have a minimal amount of "indoor warfare". By that I mean that the gameplay shouldnt be focused around a indoor building. Based on your pics, I think your map is coming along quite well, but Im a little skeptical about the inside of the base. Is the inside big enough so it doesnt become a "camping corner"? Other than that, some suggestions I have for other structures would possibly be walls or battlements out on the main floor so the attackers could spawn safely and maybe add some catwalks elevated structures, around medium leveled. Goodluck with the map and if you need any help, I'll be glad to.