Since I have a cap card I am willing to cap them for you during the whole fileshare blackout. Process Put up to 5 pictures and 1 video per map in your file share. If you don't want a video you can have up to 7 pictures. Send me a message on XBL. GT=SargeantSarcasm Tell me here that you've sent me a message. If you have more pictures/videos in your file share than the amount I'm grabbing, tell me which ones you actually want capped, otherwise I'll choose. I will host the files on my dropbox temporarily and post the links here. It's up to you to host them after that. If you want to host the video for people to watch, I suggest Dropbox. In which case you can totally thank me by clicking the below link and signing up for Dropbox so I get referral credit (and added space), otherwise YouTube is a good way to go. LINKY LINK: Also, you should probably use me exclusively for a video since there's a PC Screenshot Extractor here: