Alright, I haven't really made any maps because im too lazy. And the only map i really made was a house map just for show. It didnt come out that bad considering it was my first map. But anywho, i wanted to make an Assassin's Creed Map and gametype, yet i dont kno what map to base it on (acre, damacus etc.). Same with the gametype, i was thinking to make it VIP because altair has to assassinate people, but i dont kno if that'll work. Should i keep it infection? HUGE EDIT: ASSASSINS CREED 1 OR 2?
City doesn't exactly matter, they're all quite similar, but I like Acre in the area with the port and the castle. As for gametype, you should try out Juggernaut with everyone only having one life. When the juggernaut dies the round will end, anyways. Juggernaut is really underused and was a classic and if anyone manages to make a good Juggernaut gametype I'd give it more props than any infection game.
oh yea, i forgot about juggernaut. Thanks for the idea! i kinda wanna make a tall church with a view point, and a whole bunch of building including the assassins guild. I forget are there domes in acre?
An assasins creed map would be quite fun actually. Try and incorporate some cool stuff from the game to keep it fresh. It would be cool sitting on the zenith of a large church tower raining down fire on zombies below. However I don't know how well it would work with any guns except assult rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Remember that you have to evenly balance the large LoS (Line of Site) from the top of the church spire. I can imagine it now. Being forced to jump down into the city as the infected horde overwhelms the spire in a desperate attempt to escape. Using your trusty shotgun to repel the imminent threat only to be surrounded by the persistent zombie onslaught. If done right you have a really good map but it could easily be screwed up. Make sure you get the testers guild to test it before releasing it to the public. Make sure you don't have any critical flaws.
Here's an idea I had in a dream actually that might work. Oddball gametype Rules: Oddball carrier has partial invisibility, only kills with ball score points. This would be the Assassin player. Then he would have 110-200% speed and 50% gravity, allowing him to quickly move around the top of towers and find players. The assassin would also be really weak so he has to be sneaky when he attacks players, and you could give them the 250m radar so they can track down players. The non-assassins would be normal health but still a 1 hit punch from the ball, points are awarded for killing the assassin. Normal players would have a 5m radar so that the assassin can be detected if they run straight at players. I think it would be fun with a maze type map where the assassin can get on top and hop around but the people can't really get out.
I had a dream once that inspired a really good idea: Have an infection map on Sandbox that is a really tall skyscraper that spans all three parts of Sandbox (Skybox, Ground, Crypt) with lots of rooms on each floor, and every floor is the same as the ones above and below it except for hidden weapons and Regenerators (all weapons and equipment on map is set to Never Respawn) so it is hard to figure out exactly what floor you are on, and have all the floors exept the Basement (Crypt) have windows, and have an elevator with a two-way teleporter on each floor, as well as staircases. The humans spawn in a room on one of the floors in the Skybox and the Zombies spawn in the Crypt. The humans have 110% Speed, No Shield Regeneration, 50% Damage, and Energy Swords. Zombies have 90% Speed, Forced Color Brown, 150m Enhanced Radar, 10% Shield Regeneration, and 50% Damage. ^Stats that I have not mentioned are set to the default Infection stats. The human and zombie spawn rooms have red lights in them, and the blue lights are placed on the roof in the Skybox and the entrance on the Ground. There are also effects to make everything look dark. EDIT: Also, humans have No Radar. EDIT2: And place lots of weapons and Regenerators, but lower the Run Time Maximum so that they spawn in different places every round. EDIT3: Also, raise the Run Time Minimum on all the weapons and equipment to 1 so the humans never get stuck with absolutely no ammo anywhere in the map.
Guys Ive made a thread for Ideas called Imagination Database Im trying to get it running but if I do threads like this would no longer be needed, thus saving space post or find some ideas on it Anyway it would be a good idea but work on it, that could be like Clue
Oh, I just got another great idea for my map suggestion: What if you put lots of weapons in the building, but lowered the Run Time Maximum so they spawn in different places every round? EDIT: Added this idea to the other post.
For shure it is going to be on sandbox, but i dont understand your gametype. Remember it's Assassin's Creed not Zombies