need machinima actors 11/30 7:00 pm est

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by megathumbs, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really would like it if more people could help, thanks!!!!

    Me and my friend Meta 99 are currently working on a machinima. We are partly through making the show but we need more people for a super awesome epic fight battle thing. The story goes that, well actually i won't say the story so far cause that would ruin it, but here is what is happening. A man and a guard come out of an elevator in a large room and start to walk towards a huge portal(not quite that big but anyway). while walking along they suddenly hear shouts behind them and a huge group of people come out of the other portal. Then two more guards come down from a balcony and start helping the guard and man fend them off. We need as many people as possible to help us with this. But theres a catch. To do this scene the attackers are going to be slaughtered. Please dont quetion this, but if you help you will be killed alot. (more explained later) Howewver we have one or two more positions open for the guard. first to sign up gets the guard posts, unless for some reason they actually want to be killed alot. so if you feel like helping create a cool awesome battle for our machinima we would greatly appreciate it, and your names would be included in the credits and whatnot. i will update the thred with the people who sign up and once we reach enough people i will close the sign ups.
    thanks MT

    meGa Thumbsss
    Fear 1286 ?
    Bahh M15

    Meta 99

    Sleepy Peep
    #1 megathumbs, Nov 26, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  2. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I could help. Sign me up!
  3. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, since people seem to like living in virtual realitys, ille take the other position, in short, i will be an attacker. but, i may not be able to come, but if im on invite me.
    my gamer tag is DarkDragon274
  4. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    okay thanks you have been added to the list. and also do try to show up if you sign up thanks.
    also virtual realities are fun. no pain tons of gain (no i do have a life, and don't worry i haven't been sucked into the xbox yet)

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