need ideas...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Duckyz, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i need ideas for the last map of my instakill map pack called "Life"

    Map 1: Heart - a well merged map no geo
    Map 2: Deadly Turtle - a well merged map with little geomerging (idea came from "group")
    Map 3: ???? need ideas

    u can see the theme of the map pack, if you dont arr well

    1st map pack for instakill contained: The Eye, aztec piramid, 3-way death
    link to the old map pack and gametype (thread)

    i am willing to show the unreleased maps to a few people so they can get the feel of it

    also a remake of the old warlock will be relesed modified for instakill
    witch will be released 26/9 (never mind when the life map-pack will be released) to celebrate 1 year forging


    Edit: i hope some of the well known people at FH would give me some ideas and help

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