im stuck and cant think of anything to do, could some of you great artists give me some inspiration, thanks. oh and by the way i still need some ideas even though i have done a few, i would still like some more thanks.
Draw me an apple, using only the pencil tool, the eraser, and a nickel. Editing with something real soon. Spoiler Oh wait... that is a good idea. Spoiler Wait, no it's not. Use this and make me something-
i think i have an idea ill try it. here it is (oh and i will get to murdocks but im tired now and will go to sleep). here is the other one, i left the text out.
Ur apple looks delicious. Also Space sigs are always good. Photo manip is fun and takes a while so u might want to try that too. =)
Photo manipulation is fun, assuming you don't completely copy someone else *cough* Terrax *cough*. Great job on the apple btw.
Try making something other than a sig, I understand this may be a foreign concept to most users of the G&A section. Try making a wall paper or altering an image of a friend into a zombie or something.
You could try a different style or make a wallpaper. Make a signature where the text is the focal, try some abstract work, photo manipulation. I'm sure you can find something.