I am getting the could not create to many on map message on foundry. I still need to do weapons, equipment, and some spawns. Is there anything I can do or is my map just messed up. P.S. I am using a budget glitched canvas where all the items are outside the map.
You hit the item limit, which results in you being not able to make any more objects. Next time when making a map use an oln canvas.
I'm using foundry there are no oln canvases and Bungie said it is pretty much impossible to hit the item limit on foundry, plus i have seen maps with more items than mine
This problem only arises when you use the budget glitch on Foundry. I would say, go through your map, and delete anything that is useless/aesthetic. Maybe, you might have to rework some things so that they require fewer objects. Take out some spawns you have. Most people put way too many spawns on their maps.