Hey there, I often visit this site but never post. I'm looking for three bad enough dudes that would want to finish legendary co-op with me. I tried by myself, way too $%^ing hard. So post or add me up GT: x Thuckey x Cheers
Just go onto campaign and open it to anybody can join. Then you don't have to come onto Forgehub and wait for some people.
Er I don't think somebody will just join-- Well I could invite recent players but I'm looking for some committed guys that'll finish it all the way through with me. Of course not in all one sitting though.
yo homes i'll help u out... i need to beat legendary too lulz... i also need the skulls, and all the terminals... i know the locations, but i need to beat campaign... GT: Krootalus I've beaten capaignon a diff account, diff acct GT: BooM Krootal1ty
I will try to help. I've beaten it on Legendary, got all skulls, and terminals and whatever but I will still do it for fun. But I run out of Live on the 9th though so there may be a couple of days where I can't play.
i dont know if anyone will help you unless you just send a message to everyone on your friends list thats what i do when i need help and i have like 89 friends
How far did you get on Legendary difficulty? I wanna help, but I'd like to know how much of the campaign we'd be playing through so I can budget my time appropriately.
Well I've got one guy willing to help me on Sunday (tomorrow), so anybody else that will lend a hand tomorrow add up my GT: x Thuckey x