Is there any way I can have a person spawn next to a bomb? I have several spawn points and bomb spawns placed on the map, and I need to know if it's possible to have the player spawn at the spawn point next to the bomb and not somewhere else. Thanks.
Change spawn point settings and bomb spawn settings to the same team ("Attackers", "Defenders", "3rd Teams", etc.). Place spawn points next to matching bomb spawn. The person will now spawn next to their team's bomb.
Maybe I should go into a bit more detail. I'm making a game where one person is in jail with a bomb and his friends have to come in and open his cell. (There's more than that but that should do it.) There are several "cells" in the map and each one there will be a spawn point, and a bomb spawn point. I'm trying to figure out if somehow I can make it so the bomb won't spawn in one cell and the player in another.