Hey, I am working on small 2-4 player map. I have the layout and weapons complete but I am horrible at placing spawns. It seems no matter how many spawn points there are they also spawn back at the same spot over and over. Anyway I need some kind soul who is good at making good spawn points to help me. I would like my map to support slayer,ctf,oddball, and maybe koth. So if anyone would like to help leave your gt and the times you are available to help. I will be on later tonight, GT is Dexta Dex. I would give you credit for helping. Thanks
Because you're a Trojan, I will help. Send a FR to GT: a dumb cat with a voice message attached stating that you are from ForgeHub.com (so I know to accept it lol). I should be on later today as well. --dc
I can't get on to help but I will tell you what is probably wrong. You probably need respawn areas so that there is more than one farthest place to spawn you from your opponent basically you spawn in the farthest point away from your opponent which is usually a corner. If you have multiple overlapping respawn areas there are multiple "corners" for you to spawn in which varies where you spawn. It's in Furious D's Guide to Respawn Areas which may be theories but I think they're pretty accurate
Ok, thanks. Sorry I wasn't able to get on today (didnt know my homework would take that long). I will be on tommorow for sure and ill send you a fr. Btw ive seen your maps and I know you do good work, so thanks for helping. and Fight On TROJANS!!
Thanks. I have only posted two so far, but I have another two maps on the way. Just got to start taking screenshots so I can put them in my posts. Is your map big enough to support a multi-team game-type? I'm not saying that you have to, but planning for a 4-team map actually has the nice side effect of giving your map even spacing, even if you don't use it for 4 teams. Hopefully there is also room enough for respawn areas, because the CTF gametype will rely heavily on the spawn areas and it will make or break your map if you place them correctly or not. I just realized we should have probably PM'd about this, lolz. Anyways, I will be on tonight for a little bit... --dc