Okay guys, first post here, and I hope it's in the correct section. I have a map idea, and I would like some advice on pulling it off. I'm sure the whole idea of a **** Zombies/Horde recreation in Halo 3 isn't new, but I would like to attempt to create a little Horde mode myself, with no particular resemblance to other games (just so you know.) Anyway, this idea is simple: every minute, things spawn to make the zombies more powerful. I would like help deciding "what should spawn." I am planning on creating a big building/auditorium thing in the center of Sandbox. It will be the only building on the map. The few humans will start in the auditorium lobby (inside the building.) They will have access to a few weapons and equipment (Battle Rifles, Trip Mines, . . nothing too powerful.) The zombies, however, will spawn in a room where there are 8 teleporters. The teleporters will lead to different receivers placed on the edge of Sandbox (the Guardians will be blocked.) So every minute, both the Humans and Zombies will have access to new possibilities. Zombies will receive a new powerup (or possibly a new weapon, this is where I need your help) and the humans will have access to a new part of the building. As time progresses, the zombies will gain more access to the building, whether it be a new window that is [now] accessible, or dropping in through the roof via scaffolding, either way, I do not know. The humans, however, will eventually gain access to different parts of the building, which hold different, more powerful weapons. In all, I need help. The game will be either 4 or 5 minutes long, and there will be 4 Waves of Zombies (each wave [minute] the zombies get more powerful.) I need help creating a clever gametype for this, and I could use some advice for the map, like what kind of aesthetic features the map should have. The things I need: The powerups/weapons/equipment that should spawn to give the Zombies more power. Any building ideas for the main building Zombie/Human traits to increase gametype quality What weapons the humans should [eventually] gain access to Thanks guys. Go easy on me, please! :lol:
What about a 'campable' corridor, where the back of it is made of moveable objects, and after a minute the back wall is blown up/moved by gravity lifts making it a 2 way corridor and making it alot less campable? Also, you could add something like a Warthog turret (Guass, slow cooldown/reload but high damage (similar to a shotgun) (locked down)) and after 2 or 3 waves fusion coils spawn around it. (Less campable) Also, something that makes the game more realistic and harder is you can put radio antennae over spawn locations, so the zombies knock it down (simulating "Infecting" people) and zombies can then spawn there. Additionally, if you're going to add an armoury, make it so that zombies can use the weapons too, balancing it out. Being an auditorium, it's likely to have a dome roof, after 2 or 3 waves the centre of the roof could blow up/get moved, giving another entrance. Also it's likely to have a trapdoor for special entrances, you could make some sort of entrance there, for example, there could be a spawn in the crypt (near the centre) and after so long a gravity lift spawns there shooting zombies up through it.
For the zombies id have to say you can make them start with basic weapon sword. the first power up they receive is 3 grav hammers spawn around map, next invis spawns, then an os, finally custom power up set to run fast instead of super shield or maybe put ones that allow the zombie to run fast and then others are super sheild. Also you could use a budget glitched map to make more objects spawn around the map or like the poster above me said make it harder and harder for the humans and easier and easier for zombies like ramps grav lifts walls that just dissappear on humans ect.