Basically, I have this map which is done except for this one piece of stairs which I need to interlock with another piece of stairs....So I place the first one (hovering and upsidedown) I then set it to 'spawn at start:no' 'respawn:180', however when i start the map, the stairs are there, and they are not even grabable. They are just like stuck there and I cant move them or anything... Ive tried messing with the run times it just seems that nothing is working....anyone experience this/have any insight? Thanks!
This is a pretty common glitch and has happened to me a few times. This post spells it out pretty well on how to get around it.
No problem at all, good sir. It drove me batty too. I deleted a near-complete map before I came across that thread.
If I've been told correctly there is a video on YouTube of item interlocking and how to get around this glitch. Thanks for the heads up though of how to get around it.