Need help with a switch idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by x iTz Karnage, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. x iTz Karnage

    x iTz Karnage Ancient
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    Its a mine field switch but i have a different idea to it. I plan on putting it on a zombie map. Like ur running away from zombies in a room and you get to the end of the room and touch the switch and fusion coils fall from the ceiling, killing all the zombies following you and pretty much closing off that room for awhile.

    Idk if its possible but im not very good with switches so if some1 can mayb help me with it or explain how to i would appreciate it.
  2. apesap0

    apesap0 Ancient
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    I have an idea how to make such a swich, but the fusion coils will not fall from the ceiling, but rather come out of the ground, like this map; CLICK
    (If you choose for this option, you might want to ask permission to the creator of the above map to use it in your map)

    What you do; You make a floor out of solid boxes/blocks, then, you set them to spawn at start; no , and respawn something like 180. You start a new round, and make a floor at 1 wall under the half of the block, so if you're forging on sandbox, its about 3 walls high. After that, you cover the floor with pallets, all touching eachother. Then you put the fusion coils on top of the pallets at regular interfalls, or in a grid, or just random. After you have done that, you set the blocks to spawn at 10 seconds in the game. Then finally, you make something sticking out of the blocks, that are in contact with a pallet, like some barrels stacked. Finally, you make a swich that makes contact with the barrels and then you're done. (You can use an RB switchfor that)

    How it works; The game starts, and the fusion coils are on top of the pallets. After 10 seconds the floor spawns, and the fusion coils are hidden inside the floor. People can walk over it, without anything happening(if it does, put the fusion coils on their side). The moment the switch is activated and the barrels are touched, the game suddenly realises that there are fusion coils inside the blocks, and the game makes them move out of it. The objects take the shortest way out, the fusion coils move up, and the pallets, since they are at the lower half of the block, move down(where they will be stopped by your 'half floor'). The fusion coils move up and (hopefully) explode. (if they don't, just make a mancannon also start at 10 seconds to move them up at a more convincing speed).

    Well, thats it, I guess.

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