Need help with a Remake

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Headsh0tz, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Headsh0tz

    Headsh0tz Forerunner

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    Sorry for no picture. I'm trying to make a re-scaled version of the Pillar of Autumn's hangar from Halo CE (Extinction Custom Map) And I need help.

    First off, I can't add a vehicle bay. It doesn't support vehicles. Also, there is a lot of left over space, since I'm building in the coliseum. There will be an armory with snipers and other things, but I don't know what I should add to the left and right corners of the hangar next to the hangar exit. Someone help out?
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    You're talking about the hangar on that Hugeass map from Halo Custom Edition right? I've always loved that map. I can't remember if Extinction had one too, but what I think you should build it floating in midair and not in the Coliseum personally. Gives you more space and you can shape it to your liking. Definetly add some cover and sight blockers though, the sight lines for the hangar are ridiculous.

    To answer your question, what I think you should do instead of adding things to the corners near the exit, is to make your map unique by forging a longsword where it would normally be on Hugeass/Extnction. Fills up space doesn't it? Best of luck.
    #2 Rifte, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010

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