ok heres the thing i have an awsome idea for a map but i need someone to help tell me how would you make a dome of shield doors it needs to be as dome and round as possible ill be on tonight or this afternoon no specific time i cant release any additional details of this map so it will be a surprise
Use your imagination, if you don't have imagination then use your brains, if you don't have brains then stop playing Halo! No seriously making a dome isn't hard
Baron your wrong there. Making a round dome from 8 double and 8 single shield doors? The only way this can be pulled off if its a really small dome. Use the save quit method, check everything is lined, and it shouldnt be that hard. Just plan it so u dont run outa shield doors early on.
ive finished the map and i need help testing it my GT bolt144 so i need help now its a pretty cool map