I need help utilizing my resources. The main thing I need to build are floors for my multilevel structures. So far, only walls and bridges work, but I am running out of them. Fence walls do, but I don't really want to use them for obvious reasons. Boxes? You can't walk through boxes (besides open, but only from one way). I can use corner walls, but that can be hard. Does anyone have any tips on this ore utilizing resources in general? Hopefully, this will help others also.
That is true, but I don't always need walls too. Btw, if a mod sees this, can you move it to Forge Discussion. My bad, lol.
If you have enough room justuse double boxes. walls in my opinon look sloppy a floors. they are okay as ocassinal spaces of ground, but over all in a huge group it looks sloppy. try to use boxes if possible and if not then sometimes i will use stairs. pretty much take any object that you won't use that has a flat edge. all i can say really. good luck.
The floors I need are elevated, so boxes don't work because you can't go through them. Stairs? Maybe. Does anyone else have any ideas?
As megathumbs said, use anything with a flat surface. And, taking some advice from AZN, use the geometry that's given to you.